Sunday 21 December 2008

A busy weekend before Christmas

This was a busy weekend at the Club and we even managed to get some golf played, which was a real blessing. Saturday was the 'Bring and Win' for the ladies section, where each player brings a prize and then the prizes are drawn from Santa's secret sack, with all the players taking a prize. Food and goodies and a visit from Santa Danny .... a good start to the weekend. Saturday evening was the party for the 'grown-ups' with entertainment and a buffet and a few drops of Christmas cheer.
Sunday was the first Men's competition for many weeks. We played a Captain's Sweep, four ball better ball stableford over 16 holes. The course was wet, but most of us were so pleased to be playing golf on a Sunday morning again that we didn't care. The competition was a 'Bird and Bottle'. There were lots of bottles and cans, but not many birds. The prizes were awarded down to 8th place (37 points) with the winners having 41 points. The photograph shows the Captain, Paul Fairley presenting the winners, Geordie Faulder and Ronnie Dixon with their bottle and meat vouchers.

Sunday afternoon was the Children's Christmas party, a full house with all the tickets sold. The event was organised by Debbie and Kenny Shepherd and our thanks go to them for their considerable efforts in ensuring a great start to the Christmas week. The feedback has been great, the presents, the magician, Superman, the fairy and Santa Eli .... well done to all involved.

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