Thursday 3 March 2011

English County Cards for 2011

I am now in possession of a number of 2011 English County Cards which are on sale to members of Parklands (male and female) for the bargain price of £10 each. You must be 18 years or older to purchase the card but it enables you to play at over 900 clubs throughout England for a half daily rate green fee. Most of the clubs within the Northumberland and Durham counties are part of the scheme. So stop me and buy one.
The Vets County Cards are also on sale. The Vets card is available to male members 65 years and over and is for the Northumberland county area. Brian King is your first port of call if you wish to purchase.
Our congratulations go to Samantha Taylor who has become the Girls Junior Captain for 2011 for the Northumberland Junior Golf Association. Samantha took over the office at the Annual General Meeting and prize giving which was held at the City of Newcastle club on Monday evening. Well done Sam and good luck for the year ahead.

Where have you been?

So where have I been for most of February? Well nowhere really but I have been neglecting the blog and therefore there has been precious little news to read here ... so I must try harder to keep the blog readers up to speed!!