Course Conditions
I have been asked where the greenstaff post their day to day information about the condition of the course and how members would find such information. The first area is on Facebook ... you need to be registered and then search for 'Parklands Golf Club' ... pick up the reference and then add them to your list of friends and 'voila' you will get all the postings to your home page as soon as the greenkeepers punch in the info on their mobile phone. The second area is on Twitter, where again you need to register and then search for 'landsgolf' and then click ... follow ... and any tweets they make will be shown on your home page.
Mr. Secretary.
May I first of all commend the enlightened decision to alert would be players on the course's condition via a daily posting on both 'Facebook' and 'Twitter'?
Having dispensed with the bouquet, now I must resort to chucking the brickbat! ( all in the best possible taste, of course!)
If I am to make Parklands for a 0900 tee off time, I need to leave my home in Blyth by 0815m but due to uncertainty over the prevailing conditions recently and the posting not appearing till 0840 at the earliest I was prevented from attending the match on Friday and similarly today. Would it be possible to ask the Green Keeping Staff to carry out and post their findings about a half an hour earlier?
for " Marjorie" please read
Ex Rockape"
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