Men's AGM Sunday 31st Jan 2010
The Men's AGM was held in the Clubhouse last night but it was poorly attended .... despite the offer of a buffet following the meeting. The cold and icy weather along with the continuing course closure combined to result in a low turn out. Kenny Shepherd made his Chairman's report and I gave my final report as Captain before handing over to Brian King, the Men's Captain for 2010. The Vice-Captain was announced at the meeting ... and Brian Rutherford was duly appointed and was warmly congratulated by those attending. Kenny Shepherd was elected unopposed for another 3 years as Men's Chairman and 4 Committee members were elected to the 4 vacancies on the Committee; Terry Cooper, Geordie Beardsley, Brian Malone and Kevin Mossom. Welcome and we look forward to your contribution and input during 2010 and beyond.
Many thanks to all the members who attended the meeting.
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