Ladies AGM
The Ladies AGM was held last night in the Clubhouse and was well attended with around 40 members turning up to listen to the reports and cast their votes for the election of the Committee Members. The evening included reports from the Chairman, Treasurer, Handicaps, Competitions, Junior Liaison, County Delegates and the Captain. The handover of the Captaincy from Maureen Jenkins to Deborah Welch (see photo) was followed by Deborah announcing her Vice-Captain as Yvonne Welch. Good luck to them both in the coming year. Maureen and Deborah were presented with gifts form the First and Second teams respectively. The election of the committee was 6 candidates for 3 places and the successful members were Audrey Barker, Betty Bainbridge and Ann Hope. Good luck in your appointments for the next 3 years.
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