Day One ... and is this the start of my information highway for the golf club?
Will anyone log on and read the weekly input of a Golf Club Captain in waiting?
Will anyone log on and read the weekly input of a Golf Club Captain in waiting?
Thought for the day courtesy of John Betjeman :-
Have you had friends you trusted who
Have let you down? Well, Jesus too
Had friends, a dozen, one of whom
Steathily left that Upper Room
And sold his master to His doom.
And when the time of trial drew near
His other friends ran off in fear.
Have you known what it is to be
Liked and respected? So did He.
And then known what it is to fall
Into contempt? Christ knows it all.
Have you done what you didn’t ought
And then unluckily been caught
And sent to gaol, not merely fined?
Well, keep this healing thought in mind,
Jesus did nothing wrong, but He
Was stripped and nailed upon a tree.
Have let you down? Well, Jesus too
Had friends, a dozen, one of whom
Steathily left that Upper Room
And sold his master to His doom.
And when the time of trial drew near
His other friends ran off in fear.
Have you known what it is to be
Liked and respected? So did He.
And then known what it is to fall
Into contempt? Christ knows it all.
Have you done what you didn’t ought
And then unluckily been caught
And sent to gaol, not merely fined?
Well, keep this healing thought in mind,
Jesus did nothing wrong, but He
Was stripped and nailed upon a tree.
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