Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Plugged lie in the rough

The current wet weather and winter conditions mean we are playing preferred lies and 'embedded balls' in the rough. In layman's terms this means that a player with a ball plugged in the rough and still in the original hole can take free relief. The procedure is
1. Inform your playing partner
2. Mark the ball
3. Pick and clean
4. Drop (shoulder height) no nearer hole.
You must never, ever just roll it out of the pitch mark .. the penalty would be 2 strokes.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Ladies AGM 2011

The Ladies Section held their AGM in the Clubhouse last night and the event was well attended. Reports were given by the officials and committee members and then the Captaincy was transferred from Yvonne Welch to Anne Hope. We wish Anne a successful and rewarding year as Lady Captain. Anne announced her Vice-Captain for 2012 as Barbara Newman. Congratulations Barbara. There were 2 committee members and one other member standing for the 2 vacancies on the committee so a vote was necessary and the 2 committee members were re-elected. Betty Bainbridge stood down from the committee and she will be greatly missed.