Who owns the 106 lockers in the Men's locker room? You would think that we, the Men's Committee would know, but the reality is that many members swap them and sell them but don't tell us about the transaction. Occasionally members leave and abandon them and these need to be reclaimed and used by current members. So during April I have been conducting a survey of locker ownership and to date I have had only 46 replies ... so next month I will have to put notices in each locker and if that fails the lockers will be immobilised. Come on guys make it easy ... its for the benefit of the members with 300+ males and only 106 lockers. Help us to help the members.
If you are a social network user, you can follow the notices from the greenkeepers on Facebook and keep up to date with their daily missives ... yesterdays for example was a reminder that this is a 3 day week for the green staff and therefore all the usual work may not get completed, so please be considerate ....
It's not that I'm paranoiac but is someone trying to tell me something ... I turned up for my 9.30am tee in the Men's Competition on Sunday morning only to find that the two players that I was drawn to play with did not turn up for their tee times. Is it something I said? And then yesterday I went to put the Men's draw for Sunday on the Internet, happened to look for my name and it was not there. I had been missed off the draw for the second time in 4 weeks. They are out to get me ...............
If you would like a couple of race tickets to the premium events at Newcastle Racecourse then refer a friend to join Parklands Golf Club and you get a pair for free ... anytime during April. See the attached poster for details.
If anyone has tried to access the photographs stored on the web at Fotopic (where we store the Presentation Evening, Captains' Day and President's Day photos). you will note that the site no longer exists. Apparently the parent company in America has gone into liquidation. Because over 50% of the worlds on-line photos are stored on their servers it is anticipated that the service will be bought by another company and re-instated ... so watch this space.